The product filter and search application allows the shoppers or customers to find the exact product they want on online store. This application is widely used in every online shopping site and also holds wide variety of features for product filtering, merchandising, analyzing customer behaviors, search bar optimization and many more things. In general customers want to find what they want quickly and they don’t want waste the time searching through the different product collection to find the product that they want. There will more number of products available in your shopping site and it will take huge number of searching time for customers to find their favorite product from the listings. But, when you have the product filter & search application in your shopping site then you are customer won’t be allowed wait for longer time in your site searching for their favorite product. This application will also avoid the losing sales and worse for your brand from the customer side thus by increasing your product sale.
Features of the smart product filter and search
Your store is unfamiliar to the new visitors when they visit to your site and when they want something in particular they will want to use a search to find what product they are looking for in your site. In which there are lots of ways for customers to find what they are looking for that includes collection and good navigation. However with the large database of the products this can be hard for the customers to navigate each product available in your site and searching for particular product.
For this reason the shopping sites have added a feature called good product filter that helps the customers to filter selective product through several options including the color, price, collection, brand, inventory, variant size, tags, vendor, type and discount. The following are some of the features of the product filter & search application and they are,
- Lots of filtering options are available in the site
- Group the products together when they are similar
- Improve search bar process on your website
- Improves the customer search results with suggestion, auto complete and autocorrect.
This application also allows you to group the tags together to create the unique filters and user the color swatches to create the filters. In order to make it simple for the customers, most of the online stores started using smart product filter and search app in their website. For example this would be light red, dark red and bright red into the category of red color. Just to prevent the customers feel upset, when they cannot get something due to the spelling mistake or typo you can facilitate the suggestion, auto complete and autocorrect aspects on your shopping site.